Evergreen Classic '09 // After The Show

   Today is Monday.  I don't know about you,  but our Monday's are very low key.  I don't schedule anything, if at all possible, as I know we will be re-charging and sleeping in.  Especially if we are turning around and starting a new show on the next day (Tuesdays).   It's a day of reflection and processing.  We talk about what Amanda liked and disliked about her rounds.  How she can work on the things that didn't quite work as well as we had planned,  and what her trainers and I can do to help reach her goals.    As a mother AND an owner of a farm with many years both in the ring and outside,  it can be a blessing and a curse to give positive feedback.  Sometimes Amanda needs me to just be her mom,  sometimes she expects that comment that will push her through a door but doesn't want to hear it from me.  I always defer to Clare, Corey and Krista now for the training aspect.  I do try to support without bias,  love without conditions and give tough love when it seems appropriate.    Clare, Corey and Krista have the daunting task of having a day off, without having a day off.  They must make sure saddle pads are washed,  horses healthy, van gets re-packed, business is running smoothly,  while at the same time juggling their families,  personal packing for the next trip,  and getting all phone calls returned that piled up the week we were at the show.    It truly takes an army of employees,  lots of hard work,  long hours, and a passion for this sport to make sure we all get to the next show (both riders, horses and families) in a healthy frame of mind and body (especially the horses - the riders health is the primary job of their parents!).    I await emailed results from the riders competing this past week for posting on the Archway website.  In the meantime,  here are a few notations I had the time to get on my notepad:


Amanda N. won the WSHJA Good Seat & Hands Medal Class Natalie H. won the Taylor Harris Medal Class Ana S.was 2nd in the USEF Pessoa Hunt Seat Medal Amanda M.was 4th in the USEF Pessoa Hunt Seat Medal  Sophie T. was Champion Short Stirrup Equitation rider Mali K. tied for the short stirrup Equitation Championship Marissa M. was 3rd in the Jr./Amateur Hunter Classic Payton Smith was Champion Small Hunter Pony Amanda M. was Champion in the Evergreen Classic 3 Phase Equitation Classic Mali K. won the Best Costume of dog and owner class Briteney M. won the dog/owner look alike class. 


photoMali and Tobi




IMG_5862THE END of another show :)  

Evergreen_'09 // Friday August 7th

   This is the beginning of a very busy day for both riders and trainers.  This is when the 'rhythm' of the horse show starts to hum in my head.  The subconscious dance from ring to ring for both trainers and riders.  The individual voices calling out the riders in "5" meaning the rider better be out and schooling...  The tightrope Clare, Corey and Krista walk to be at each rider's ring at the precise time they are needed...it goes on and on but total immersion is the only way to begin to become intuitive in the rhythm of the show.   Each show has it's own rhythm too.  It usually takes me until Friday to really partner with all the announcers,  get my bearings on who is announcing what ring,  what classes the riders are in.      It also ramps up emotionally.  This is the 'excitement and anticipation of what may come'.  A good ribbon spurs the rider to do better,  a great ribbon bolsters self confidence but can backfire into false security and a slip of concentration going into the weekend classes.    Riding is, I believe, equal halves mental and physical.  Then add the temperamental disposition of the horse or pony and it can get almost as tricky as throwing the dice in Las Vegas.   All we expect is that our riders are as prepared and rested as possible and then "go get 'em!"    I heard a few great placings, among them Nicole with a 1st and 4th;  Sophie with a 1st and other top ribbons; Alexia and Jessica were also in the ribbons.  I believe Amanda N. got a blue and  Ana and Melani did well.  Payton came back to the barn with another blue ribbon.  (sorry Briteney, Mali, Hanna and Marissa - missed your placings.  Jenna was a GREAT sport with a very naughty pony to ride but in the end,  she got the job done!    Amanda ended her Amateur Junior/Modified Jumper division with a 2nd place and a Championship.      The progressive aisle party was terrific and I honesty ate too much.  A big shout out to Lisa and Julie, who threw a beautiful and yummy spread of pasta salad with citrus.  The bar was hopping and I saw Bob, John and Janet alternating the servings of Bob's famous margarita's!    Here are some memories of yesterday and today.  Enjoy!



"No comment"

IMG_5994Melani and Amanda volunteering as hostess's.  They were required to volunteer to qualify for scholarship money for the out-of-state finals.

IMG_5986_2Janet, proudly watching her horse Moonlight Sonata (Sonny) finish 3rd in the Bunny Coffin Memorial Hunter Classic Thursday evening.

[The following are photos from today, Friday]

IMG_6113Our proud servers at our Amazon Cafe.



IMG_6135Julie is well known for running for the hills when I aim the camera her way.  I was able to capture this as she was hard at work setting up our table.

IMG_6124...awwwwwww. No caption necessary.

Evergreen Classic '09 // Thursday

   A busy day!  All of the riders had multiple rounds, some had both over fences and under saddle classes.  The Pony equitation division started, as well as the hunter equitation divisions, all ages.   The pro divisions wrapped up, with Janet Weaver's Moonlight Sonata Reserve Champion.  Congratulations Janet!    We ended the day with the Bunny Coffin Memorial Hunter Classic.  Again, congratulations go to Moonlight Sonata,  finishing in 3rd place!    With such a long day,  I will forgo pictures tonight, other than this one of some of our equitation girls, sent by Lisa.  Will post more tomorrow.  Have a blue ribbon Friday!


Evergreen Classic '09 // Wednesday August 5th

    Today was "Pro" day.  This simply means that the classes offered today were the classes in which the Professionals (our trainers) rode our horses.  Some of our riders had "low" rounds,  which is a round that is judged and awarded ribbons but does not count for any division points.    Corey was exciting to watch as she piloted around the horses in the beautiful Grand Hunter Ring.  The ring itself calls for a shout out to the show management team.  An extremely large field,  with trees dotting the interior, and a rough natural jump that is just plain fun.  The lines are set to gallop,  not set on any particular number of strides.  The handy hunter had a hand gallop and Corey turned on the afterburners with Janet Weaver's Moonlight Sonata.  A class he 'handily' won, by the way!

Corey aboard Janet Weaver's Moonlight Sonata in the Grand Hunter Ring


    Some of the girls division's did start.  Amanda's Modified Junior/Amateur 1.10m jumpers had a class today and Amanda began the division with a bang, winning the class.     Melani and Ana also had rounds.  I haven't heard how they finished except I heard Melani's name called in 5th for one of her jumper rounds.   Ana's round looked great and they went clean,  with just an itsy-bitsy time fault.  (This was a warm-up class to get them in the ring, I believe).     The weather was a bit too cool to duplicate yesterday's river swim by some of the riders.  (see photo below, courtesy of Lisa Kerslake).  However,  the cooler temps were quite a refreshing change after the extreme heat.

Below:  one of the stunning work-of-art stall cards created by Ana and Julie Sanborn. Each one was unique!



Our busy trainer, Corey.








Ok, somebody help me identify this cute Amazonian creature!
