Thunderbird Show, week II

   The circuit is officialy done.  From Evergreen, to Thunderbird I, and on through Thunderbird week II.  The horses, ponies, riders and parents (not to mention the trainers & grooms) are tired and ready for a break.   The girls who stayed for the Thunderbird Week II were able to work on and perform a number for the lip sync contest.  Payton, Amanda, Jenna & Hailey sang and danced to "Let's Get Crazy" by Hannah Montana. They placed a very respectable 3rd out of a very competitive contest.


IMG_6287Rehearsing at the motorhomes.

IMG_6306 Large e-mail view

Wearing their 3rd place T-Bird hats. (They also got blankets)

Before the Grand Prix on Sunday (week I) the show had a beautiful Native American demonstration of song, drums and dance. 




Now is the time to reflect on this year's accomplishments,  ponder the upcoming 2010 show season and think about plans and goals.    Remember,  Archway's mission statement: ~Develop proper techinque and a solid foundation...~             ~Empower our riders with life skills through horsemanship...~            ~Challenge our riders to embrace what seems impossible.~

       Good luck starting your school year!