We had an action packed day. Headed out at 7:30am to watch the Juniors, had a good time, met up with Dave and he began documenting the trip. (follows us around with the video camera). We had to wait for the hunters to finish before Parker could move in. So there we were running around bugging the stall attendants until, just to get us out of their hair, they let the truck pull up on the street and unload Parker. Oh did I mention that we are The Grooms! Amanda was able to ride and bathe before heading to the 4:00pm Riders Meeting. Luck was with us and we were not in the dreaded top ten, we drew 97 out of 151. Back up to finish taking care of Parker and then to the hotel for a relaxing dinner. In bed by 8:30 because we leave the hotel at 1.30am for a 2:30am practice ride in the ring. We hope to get back for a nap at 3:30am and back to the show for a 6:00am walk. We are tired but excited for tomorrow. We anticipate Amanda will go around 7am Seattle time. Send us positive energy and watch live on the internet at http://www.equestriansport.tv/index.php?option=com_frontpage&Itemid=1
[Photo here and above]
Our insistant questions for the ever-patient Kevin, stall assignment employee.
Dave, the videographer
Hotel view of the horse crossing.
Walk from the parking garage 'barn' to the arena.
One end of the arena.
The fact this arena is small, increases the difficulty of the course.
The arena.