Our back gate workers. We also had Hannah T. and Payton volunteer their time at the back gate!
What a beautiful day we had for a schooling show! It reached a cozy 56 degrees and the horses and ponies showed how much they enjoyed the sun by behaving wonderfully. So many people were responsible for such an organized show that I will have to thank them in a separate post.
Our concession stand was full of yummy home-baked goodies and even had hand-packaged horse treats to buy. Riders, parents and siblings kept a constant stream through the cafe door and we made a brisk business.
Each of our divisions filled and everyone won their fair share of ribbons. Some great outside horses attended and we were excited to see new faces from our industry.
We love seeing the support the riders have. From younger brother or sisters staying all day to watch, to moms or dads busily videotaping rounds, to dads just holding precious ribbons. Riding is truly a family affair. Our riders couldn't do it without the financial and emotional support of their exended family. We applaud you - the support team outside of the barn that help our riders!
We had ponies, we had horses. Some jumped small. Some jumped big. Some rode their own horse, some rode on borrowed mounts. We had beginner riders to the advanced rider. What a great day to get some practice in for the show season, or just get in some practice. The older riders got to help the younger ones and the horses all got BATHS!
Until next time...
The team at Archway.