Archway Schooling Show II

Early  Sunday morning, January 30th we opened the barn doors, turned on the arena lights and took our posts  as we prepared to begin our largest show to date. We were ready to spend the day competing under the watchful eye of  judge Debbie Mars. Kevin Goyena was our announcer, Ricky Todd managed the backgate, Julie Sanborn acted as Show Secretary and Ana assisted with Coaching. This allowed Corey, Krista and I to  make sure everything ran well. The temperature was a little chilly as the day began, but there were heaters and warm places for spectators to enjoy  a cup of coffee while watching the competition and by late morning the sun had arrived. Some riders spent their down time playing Foos Ball in the lobby and Dads enjoyed reading the Sunday papers while lounging on the couch.

The local support was very much appreciated as 37 horses  from Thumbs Up Farm, Potcreek Meadow Farm, Farpoint Farm, Redgate Farm, Sabrina Hirsch Training, Twin Maples Farm , Magnolia Ridge Training and Archway particiapted  in classes throughout the day.

Everyone had ample opportunity to school their horses prior to each height section which allowed a nice flow to the day. Some attended the morning session and others joined us in the afternoon. As the day came to a close and the horses were loaded into trailers each barn travelled home with the their share of wins. We headed home feeling good that we had done our best to make the day a success.

Here are a couple of comments from the attending barns:

"We had a great time and appreciated how well run everything was!" Sabrina Hirsch

"The footing is great and the horses love the size of the ring." Denise Youell

"I am looking forward to attending again." Suzy Huizenga

"These shows offer a great service to the area." Jeff Anthony

We look forward to hosting the Hunter/Equitation Show III on February 13th and  our Long/Short Stirrup Show on March 13th.

Corey and I enjoy being able to share our facility and host these events to enrich our NW area. We are dedicated to providing an opportunity to prepare horses and riders for the NW show season and our success is determined by your continued support.  We hope to see YOU at the next Show!
